Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Stevia: A not so sweet history

There is nothing I love more than a good story assignment that leads me to uncover the benefits of a naturally grown product but to uncover a controversy in the process; puts me in my element.  My mission seemed simple – write an article about a sweetener that is good for diabetics; easy, right? Oh no! You see what I uncovered is the perplexing and not so sweet history of the herb stevia rebaudiana.

The genus stevia consists of 240 species of plants native to South America, Central America, and Mexico, with several species found as far north as Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas. They were first researched by Spanish botanist and physician Petrus Jacobus Stevus (Pedro Jaime Esteve), from whose surname originates the Latinized word stevia.  It is believed, human use of the sweet species S. rebaudiana originated in South America.” (1) This wild shrub deemed kaa hee (honey leaf) by Guarani Indians of regions in South America was a sweetener used as an addition to drinks or simply chewing the leaves and its history shows continued use throughout many centuries.

The official discovery of Stevia however, is credited to a Swiss botanist; Dr. Moises Santiago Bertoni, director of the College of Agriculture in Asuncion.  Dr. Bertoni, also an explorer learned of the herb in 1887. While out on expedition, native guides introduced the herb to Dr. Bertoni, however, as the plant was growing outside of its natural habitat he was unable to relocate the herb for twelve years; even then only to be presented with a few dried leaves from which he could study.

Once rediscovered Dr. Bertoni announced this Stevia genus in the Aununcion botanical journal it was then named in honor of Paraguayan chemist Rebaudi who was the first to extract the sweet constituent from the plant. In 1903 a live plant was given to Bertoni by a parish priest and he was finally able to perform a complete study on the plant.  So arrived the genus deemed Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni.  By 1913 Bertoni realized he had not found a rare species in this plant but conversely a widely known and well used herb throughout much of North and South America. 

In 1918 stevia was introduced to the US Department of Agriculture and three years later was promoted as a “new sugar plant” and deemed an “ideal and safe sugar for diabetics”. However, the commercial potential of this herb was not unbeknownst to others who were “less than happy about it”. “In 1913, a report from the official public laboratory of Hamburg, Germany, noted that; specimens received are of the well-known plant which alarmed sugar producers some years ago.”   (2) Little attention was paid to the herb until 1931 when stevia became a commercially viable product after two French chemists isolated glycosides; the sweetening compounds in the herb these were named stevioside and rebaudioside; they are 250-300 times as sweet as sucrose, ph stable, heat stable, and non-fermentable.

The numerous health benefits of this sweetener were quickly being discovered yet it took several decades until it became adopted for the commercial market. In the 1970’s in an effort to rid their food supply of artificial sweeteners such as cyclamate and saccharin which were suspected carcinogens the Japanese turned to stevia products as a replacement. Stevia was sold all over the world including the United States. By 1994 the Japanese demand for the product was responsible for 40% of the sweetener market.

Studies have shown stevia has anti-ageing properties and can aid in the reduced risk and control of diabetes, ADHD, hypertension and obesity mostly due to its low glycemic index. The Glycemic index ranking provides us with a guide to rate how certain carbohydrates affect our blood glucose levels (usually within two to three hours after eating); this scale is a ranking from 0 to 100.
More recent medical research has shown; stevia has but a minor effect on blood glucose, even enhancing glucose tolerance; therefore, it is well received as a natural sweetener for diabetics and those on low carbohydrate diets. Its Glycemic index is zero which in the simplest terms means the sweetening properties of this herb contain no carbohydrates therefore it has no effect on blood glucose. In fact the many nutrients found in the leaves are believed to help regulate blood sugar. 
Having read of the positive attributes of this healthy sweetener I began to question why we are only now seeing a mainstream push for the advertisement of this beneficial herb. What I discovered is the fight for this product has been an arduous and completely obscure process. Despite its great reputation the US was still hesitant to allow the product to compete with patented artificial sweeteners.
In the 1980’s stevia in the US was not yet able to be labeled a sweetener. As it turns out it is not possible by law to hold a patent on a naturally occurring substance.  Call it coincidence but by1991 after an anonymous complaint (seriously?) the FDA labeled stevia as an “unsafe food additive” and applied import restrictions.
Now please keep in mind the FDA is the same organization that in 1990 banned all use of the amino acid L-tryptophan, this product was being used to treat depression, with great success.  Within four days of the near eradication of L-tryptophan came the first news release “praising the virtues” of Prozac what would become the first of many widely used prescription only depression medications. Oh but forgive me as I digress.
Stevia remained banned until 1995 when it was allowed to be sold as a dietary supplement, not a food additive. We now see it commercially sold under trade names as a result of a plea to the FDA by Cargill, a multinational billion dollar agricultural commodity distributor, requesting the right to use rebaudioside-A. 
In 2008 the FDA deemed Rebaudioside-A “GRAS” (generally recognized as safe). As stated in the notice: “Cargill concludes that, based on the totality of the available data on rebaudioside A and on other steviol glycosides, rebaudioside A is safe under the conditions of its intended use”. Even with the granted GRAS status the FDA made its own statement regarding the product “the agency has not, however, made its own determination regarding the GRAS status of the subject use of rebaudioside A purified from S. rebaudiana (Bertoni) Bertoni”. (3)
It seems Cargill is the protagonist of this tragic story yet true to tragedy form there are no real heroes. They took the initiative to push and responsibility for the outcome of a new market for their sweetener. As it turns out the sweetener is purified with their own formula under the trade name Rebiana. This formula has been reported as having traces of ethanol and methanol; also erithrytol a sugar alcohol made from genetically modified corn.
So how do we protect ourselves against a tainted product and in whom do we put our trust? Again, it is left to us to read every label and do our own research regarding most products consumed; even the ones marked “all natural” or promoted as safe. This seems quite a lot of fuss over such a simple little herb; and how does one go about finding a pure form of stevia.
Stevia is a relatively easy perennial to grow and harvest from your own backyard; as opposed to sugarcane, sorghum or beekeeping for honey.  The plant tolerates most growing climates and can be grown in raised beds or container gardens.  Harvest can be a breeze and air tight storage of the dried leaves can provide you with a product that can last years. While a home garden crop may not provide an entire sweetener supply; it certainly can be a reliable supplement to commercial purchases.  

Not all commercial varieties are as dubious as others so again I emphasize an individual should research and compare products.  When making food selections the ingredient list must be read; to be an educated consumer learning is part of the process. When purchasing, if an ingredient name is not recognized, it seems effortless to look it up.  The power of the consumer is quite evident given the billions of dollars put into marketing products to the public. That power can provide an immeasurable amount of influence on the industry and by purchases alone the public can quietly demand healthy products are provided – it really is that simple.

In regards to Stevia it seems quite a tragedy, taking in account the evidence gathered over decades of research; the benefits of this natural sweetener have remained clear yet it has taken so long to reveal and the general public still seems to be unaware. I am also befuddled by the inability to allow a market for a naturally grown product, used for over 1500 years, to remain just so; without alteration.  Today the consumer is appeased with near to true forms of the sweetener known as Stevia. They are marketed under trade names, beautifully packaged and cleverly made enticing; then sold to us under the guise of healthy and natural foods. 
This ruse may prove a sweetener by any other name may taste just as sweet – but will it still be good for you?

Friday, September 30, 2011

Don't be so obtuse

“Mom, I have another one of those painful pea sized lumps in my armpit.”  That was the text I received one very nondescript and up to that point uneventful Friday morning.  I reply, “Oh, what do you think it is, could it be an ingrown hair? “  She answers, “I don’t know! But why would I get three ingrown hairs so quickly and why all at the same time.”  Three!?  Now, I was previously calm but at this moment all my senses start to peak as I ask; “well what exactly does it feel like and have you done a breast exam, do you feel anything especially on that side?”  This is where the texting stops; my phone rings, I answer and hear the words that will stick with me forever.  “How do you do a breast exam?”  My heart sank, not out of disappointment in my precious daughter but with much disdain for myself. Our family medical history has its share of stories of breast cancer, all ending in radical mastectomies.  How could I not know she was not aware of this possibly life saving procedure, how could I not make certain she was doing this with regularity; how could I be so obtuse! 

 I walked her through the process over the phone carefully describing the intricacies of the exam.  I remember being thorough in my explanation and she listened carefully.  She seemed very nervous until she discovered another problem; now she was terrified and I was frozen.  Only seconds passed but in that time I replayed her entire childhood thinking of her again in my protective arms.  She is my firstborn, and I much too carefully shielded her from the dangers of germs and disease from birth to at least the end of middle school.  High school was different, she knew everything by then and in her, often rolling eyes, I had no more to teach her.   There were health classes in middle school discussing the menstrual cycle and in high school, a verbally gifted science teacher shielded her class from none of the health risks of the outside world especially in the realm of STD’s.  I remember driving home, while my daughter relayed the teachings of the day with some level of repulsion.  Silently I listened all the while thinking I should thank this woman for her frankness and straightforward attitude toward such a sensitive subject.  

Her class provided an in-depth argument for abstinence and birth control;  I never thought to ask if they taught anything about breast health.  Appropriately timed appointments were made to protect her overall reproductive health; in those appointments she was examined using BSE (breast self exam) techniques but I never thought to ask if they showed her how to do it herself.  These memories flashed through my mind until she softly spoke “so what do I do now?” Hearing the fear and trepidation in her voice I immediately snapped to, kept a calm demeanor and together we took control of the situation and formed a plan.  
Looking back at that stressed filled day I now realize the importance of following through with important health routines.  Although a BSE is not a major indicator of breast cancer for women under 20 years of age or under 40 for that matter; learning how to perform this test can be extremely important if only to familiarize yourself with your body. Women who choose to do BSE should have their technique reviewed by their physician and nurse. If you developed a problem today would you be able to answer truly personal questions posed by your physician regarding your breasts.  

According to the American Cancer Society: “…performing the exam regularly, you get to know how your breasts normally look and feel and you can more readily detect any signs or symptoms if a change occurs, such as development of a lump, swelling, skin irritation or dimpling, nipple pain or retraction (turning inward), redness or scaliness of the nipple or breast skin, or a discharge other than breast milk. Should you notice any changes you should see your health care provider as soon as possible for evaluation. Remember that most of the time, however, these breast changes are not cancer. “
According to the American Cancer Society you are at high risk if you meet the following criteria.  
  • Have a known BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene mutation
  • Have a first-degree relative (parent, brother, sister, or child) with a BRCA1 or BRCA2 gene mutation, but have not had genetic testing themselves
  • Have a lifetime risk of breast cancer of 20% to 25% or greater, according to risk assessment tools that are based mainly on family history (such as the Claus model - see below)
  • Had radiation therapy to the chest when they were between the ages of 10 and 30 years
  • Have Li-Fraumeni syndrome, Cowden syndrome, or hereditary diffuse gastric cancer, or have first-degree relatives with one of these syndromes  

I have to say I was shocked after reading this list. With regard to my own history I was an asthmatic from the age of 10 and I have had my share of chest x-rays.  So given the information based on high risk I should be more diligent in consideration of my increased odds and combat the disease for as long as possible.  

In the SEER Cancer Statistics Review, 1975-2007 includes Lifetime Risk Tables (PDF), average American woman’s risk of being diagnosed with breast cancer is:
  • o    from age 30 through age 39 . . . . . . 0.43 percent (often expressed as "1 in 233")
  • o    from age 40 through age 49 . . . . . . 1.45 percent (often expressed as "1 in 69")
  • o    from age 50 through age 59 . . . . . . 2.38 percent (often expressed as "1 in 42")
  • o    from age 60 through age 69 . . . . . . 3.45 percent (often expressed as "1 in 29")

With deep optimism I went searching for more information regarding breast cancer in young women hoping to find proof that it simply cannot exist in young breast tissue.  My hopes were soon dashed.  After visiting the “Young Survival Coalition” website I learned there are quite a few young women affected by breast cancer.   I also read the many “Survivor stories” and found more than a few incidences of breast cancer were detected by performing a Breast Self Exam.  This simple exam may not be the best indicator of cancer but it is something we can do ourselves, at no cost, with routine and in the privacy of our own home.  However, I must stress the importance of making it a routine and an immediate follow through to a physician if anything out of the ordinary is found.  I also recommend having a “Clinical Breast Exam” performed by your doctor at every physical and more often if you meet any of the “high risk” criteria. 

 Early detection and prompt treatment can significantly improve a woman's chances of surviving breast cancer. A high percentage of women, whose breast cancer is found in early stage, will survive.  BREASTCANCER.ORG reports:  “About 39,840 women in the U.S. were expected to die in 2010 from breast cancer, though death rates have been decreasing since 1990. These decreases are thought to be the result of treatment advances, earlier detection through screening, and increased awareness.”

You will find much material either online or at your doctor’s office with information on how to prevent cancer.  The President's Cancer Panel recommends buying meat free of antibiotics and added hormones, which are suspected of causing endocrine problems, including cancer. The report also advises that you purchase produce grown without pesticides or wash conventionally grown food thoroughly to remove residues.”  You may also learn that incidences of breast cancer have decreased since the reduction of Hormone therapy and tobacco usage.  I encourage you all to read in its entirety the President’s Cancer Panel report “Reducing Environmental Risk: What we can do now.” .

It's not my intent to be a fear monger and create havoc with my words; instead I see myself as a motivator. I found it took more time and effort to absorb information on a subject so well covered than it did to find or read it; but I am now in the know. Through my fear and fervor to discover what could possibly be wrong with my darling daughter, I learned. 

I no longer feel obtuse regarding the subject of breast cancer. I no longer feel scared or out of control. I realize I cannot stop cancer from forming in my loved ones or myself, but I can be an integral member of a growing community who is learning more and more about the risks of cancer and prevention techniques such as diet and Breast Self Exam. 

While we are not yet at the point of eradicating this terrible disease, we can lessen the odds of getting cancer and at the very least we can learn.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Just the facts folks – The lowdown on the Dirty Dozen

Security is; a guy with an M16 rifle guarding your world, at least that’s what I grew up thinking. I was an Air Force brat which meant trusting in a government agency was inbred so the fascination with TV crime drama came to me fairly easily. I am an idealist at heart and let’s face it most cop shows, even those based on reality, offer the ideal. On TV we had Detective Sergeant Joe Friday, in all his perfection sticking to the facts and in the end solving the case. In real life it is not quite so ideal. In real life you can’t always trust government agencies. In real life you have to gather your own facts. In real life quite often you have to become a watchdog, blow some whistles and police your own world - these are the facts.

It was my original intent to write yet another article touting the benefits of sticking to the Environmental Working Groups “Dirty Dozen” list. If you are not familiar with this list, it is commonly known for providing consumers with information regarding twelve produce commodities, containing the highest number of synthetic pesticide residues. Instead what I intend to instill, as you read, is a thought that this list even with critical reviews from some sectors of agriculture; contributes to a system of checks and balances that keeps our idea of democracy true to form.

Much of the criticism the “List” and the EWG takes on are accusations of using fear mongering tactics to deter the public from consuming fresh vegetables. I read articles attempting to discredit the data and research put out by this informative group. The “Dirty Dozen” list takes direct hits from organizations that back conventional agriculture and their right to use synthetic pesticides on our food supply, no big surprise there. They are also criticized for putting out information to further their own political agenda.

However, doing my own detective work, I have not found on the EWG site any information to back these accusations. A direct statement from Ken Cook, co-founder of EWG is as follows: "We recommend that people eat healthy by eating more fruits and vegetables, whether conventional or organic,”… “But people don’t want to eat pesticides with their produce if they don’t have to. And with EWG’s guide, they don’t."

Taken directly from the EWG website: “Since many shoppers can't find or afford organic produce, they can use the Shopper's Guide to avoid those conventional fruits and vegetables found to be highest in pesticides - the Dirty Dozen - and, instead, choose items from the Clean Fifteen list.” The list in total consists of 49 products from best to worst levels of contamination. The “Clean Fifteen” list offers alternative suggestions from the fruit and vegetable category with lowers levels of pesticide contamination.
Now, I will ask you to take a look at the EWG chart where the pesticide residue statistics of the 49 products have been compiled. Please keep in mind the information on this chart is based on data from the USDA and FDA.   After looking at this chart I am alarmed at the number of pesticide residues that might accumulate in ones body at the end of the day. Sticking to the Dirty Dozen list alone, let’s say you have yogurt with freshly sliced peaches for breakfast, a spinach salad with celery slices and dried cherries (concentrated pesticides) for lunch, some grapes for an afternoon snack, a piece of meat with potatoes and sautéed bell peppers for dinner and some cottage cheese with fresh strawberries and blueberries for dessert. Now look at the chart and total up the accumulated of pesticides in your system by the end of the day. Oh and let’s not forget about the antibiotics, hormones and pesticides in the dairy products you consumed.

As to the accusations of furthering their own political agenda – who cares!? I for one, would be thrilled to be represented by and support an organization whose mission is as follows:

1. “To protect the most vulnerable segments of the human population—children, babies, and infants in the womb—from health problems attributed to a wide array of toxic contaminants.“

2. “To replace federal policies, including government subsidies that damage the environment and natural resources, with policies that invest in conservation and sustainable development.”

Also, keep in mind the EWG, a non-profit, raises most of its own money donated by like-minded environmentally concerned philanthropists who see a real need for their work. This is the way today’s world functions and it is no different than large name companies like “Exponent: a member of Croplife America” financially backing studies to refute findings by the NIH linking Parkinson’s and pesticide contamination. These studies have proven; pesticide exposure even in minute quantities, at certain times of life can increase the chances of getting this disease.

Ultimately it seems as though the right hand doesn’t know what the left hand is doing because; “Recently, the California Department of Food and Agriculture…awarded $180,000 in federal funds to finance an agribusiness-chemical industry plan to combat its critics - Environmental Working Group and other health, consumer and organic farming advocates who have campaigned against overuse of pesticides on food crops.” Federal funds are tax dollars folks and that is a fact.

I could go on and on providing you with information to back my beliefs of what constitutes safe and healthy food. I know I have put much into my investigations and feel secure about my conclusions. However, my intent was to plant a seed of thought so you do your own research on this topic and find your own voice. Today’s technology has made it so much easier to do this detective work. No pounding the pavement needed. Most of the information necessary to protect your health and the environment can be found at your fingertips - literally. From Iphone apps,  to printed lists you can carry with you to the grocery store. There is not much effort you have to exert to protect yourself and with your buying choices you, in turn make a stand for the protection of others as well; now that’s democracy at its finest.

It would take a lifetime for any agricultural watchdog group to provide you will all the facts regarding synthetic pesticide contamination of our food supply. However, together, as a community we can “protect and serve” to ensure the safety of our food. Rachel Carson opened our eyes to the dangers of pesticide pollution of our environment, with her book “Silent Spring” (1962);  her work “spurred a reversal in national pesticide policy—leading to a nationwide ban on DDT and other pesticides”. Ms. Carson had the courage to question the industry that told us our foods were safe to consume with residues of highly toxic environmental pollutants, on, in and around them; in the fight to prove this argument the Environmental Protection Agency was born.

The Environmental Working Group is a listed organization on the Rachel website They are but one out of many groups who have made it their mission to do the research, ask the right questions and watch over us much in the manner of my beloved fictional public servant; his name was “Friday” and he carried a badge. In my own way, I too will contribute to an ongoing effort of making certain agricultural agencies-meant to keep us healthy and safe - do just that very thing - my name is Dina and I carry a pen.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Organics: To buy or not to buy…that is the question!

Rest at ease, I will not wax poetic over the eternal debate regarding the dichotomy of purchasing organic products. Although I am absolutely passionate about the topic, I do realize with my paraphrase from Hamlets soliloquy, Shakespeare was talking about death and the morality in deciding ones own fate; the debate of organics vs conventional seems far removed from this seriousness…or is it? .  While refreshing my memory of this inspiring piece of writing, I realize the ethics of what Hamlet was struggling with, has an affinity in whether or not supporting organic agriculture is worthwhile…aye; there’s the rub! 

Hamlet in brief; deals with trust issues, mortality, accusations, and lots and lots of death by poison. In its entirety, the Shakespearian tragedy is not nearly a side by side comparison to my argument, but let’s really take a look at the debate over organics and see how some of this fits. 

Trust issues
In general, trust issues are greatly based on a fear of the unknown. Many people do not believe "organic" is better than "conventional" because they don’t know enough about the growing process, and they trust their brand name products.  The reality is, there are many “brand name” companies involved in the organic industry; Kraft, Heinz; Nestle, Coca-Cola, Pepsi, Kellogg, Hershey and General Mills; to name a few.  

These companies not only have found it worthwhile to invest in the organic trade, but also know it is wise to trust in a growing method that is tried and true.  Before WWII and the onset of industrial agriculture, produce was grown without synthetic chemicals; in fact, many of the chemicals first used on agricultural crops were, shall we say, leftovers, from nerve gases used during the war.  Chemicals, like DDT, before the 1970 ban, were eventually revealed as a major carcinogenic risk to humans, not to mention the rampant destruction it caused to the environment.

Could the decision to buy organic products really be a matter of life and death?  Well--in some cases it might, especially if you have a poor or compromised immune system, are a candidate for high risk pregnancy, or are pre-disposed to cancer, endocrine disorders, heart and kidney failure, or liver disease!  By not overloading your system with pesticides, your body will utilize the required energy to heal instead of using it in a desperate attempt to tackle the onslaught of chemicals you will innocently ingest eating so called “fresh foods”.  

Your vital organs are filters for your body and they absorb toxins like those on the food you eat or products you may put on your skin, including beauty products and clothing!  The pesticides used on and in these products are touted as non-toxic by the EPA-- but does this mean they are healthy to inhale, ingest or absorb? I hardly think so!

Take Glyphosate for example; a class III herbicide widely used in agriculture to control weeds.  A study conducted by a well known chemical company indicates that the weeds sprayed with Glyphosate are becoming resistant to this treatment. 

One problem the manufactures of Glyphosate are experiencing is; “you can’t fool mother nature” and true to form, she has found a way to prevail once again! This simply means that the applications of this herbicide are not working very well in order to kill weeds.  A pesticide/herbicide combination called, "2, 4-D" is now offered as an alternative choice.  The product is said to have low toxicity to humans, , yet the International Agency for Research on Cancer has found "2, 4-D" to be a carcinogen.

The EPA listing reads; “In longer-term studies, at dose levels above the threshold of saturation for renal clearance, "2, 4-D" is toxic to the eye, thyroid, kidney, adrenals, and ovaries/testes.”  This product has been approved by the EPA for agricultural use and can be applied residentially to lawns. .  How about sending your kids out to play on that?
Does anyone know what “Restricted Entry Interval” REI means? This is the time frame before a farmer or farm worker should re-enter the field without protective clothing or gear, after a pesticide has been applied.  The time frame on this is usually 12 hours to 3 days, but in some cases, it can extend over several weeks!   So- if this residue is still that dangerous after such a long period of time, why are we allowed to ingest these products?

“The Food Quality Protection Act (FQPA), or H.R.1627, was passed unanimously by Congress in 1996”,

Under this act, the FQPA established a new safety standard (reasonable certainty of no harm) that must be applied to all food commodities; in addition to the new standard the EPA now has to consider the specific risks pesticides might have for infants and children.”  “The FQPA required the re-testing of all existing pesticide tolerance levels within 10 years.”  Reasonable certainty?!!  Ten years?!!
In 2001, scientists from Seattle and Atlanta published results of a study linking pesticides in children's urine to pesticide residues on food. What they found was, “children who switched to eating organically-grown food greatly reduced their exposure to organophosphate insecticides.”  

Organophosphate exposure has been linked to higher incidence of ADHD in children. One of the major crops this neurotoxin pesticide is used on is apples; I guess this surely negates the “apple a day, keeps the doctor away” recommendation!

Pet products, such as flea killers, have also been highly contaminated with a “family of chemicals" called organophosphates.  Even though many of these have been outlawed, there are still dangerous chemicals on your pet store shelves.  You may wash your produce often, but how often do your wash your pet? -- and-- unless you never touch your pet, these products are most likely absorbed by you through your skin or nasal passages!  So remember, there are many organic pet products available to protect your fuzzy loved one.  


Which growing method is doing the most for the greater good? Is it better to focus on synthetic and/or GMO growing methods with pesticides and growth stimulators, in an effort to feed the masses?  We are told that organic agriculture cannot feed a nation, yet as reported by Brian Halweil, Senior Researcher at the World Watch Institute: “of the reviewing 154 growing seasons' worth of data on various crops grown on rain-fed and irrigated land in the United States, University of California-Davis agricultural scientist Bill Liebhardt found that organic corn yields were 94 percent of conventional yields, organic wheat yields were 97 percent, and organic soybean yields were 94 percent. Organic tomatoes showed no yield difference.” . 

Seriously, as a nation with an obesity problem, do we really need greater yields from the commodity crops that are bases for foods contributing to this disease?  The Center for Disease Control reports: “In 2009, no state met the "Healthy People 2010" obesity target of 15%, and the self-reported overall prevalence of obesity among U.S. adults had increased 1.1 percentage points from 2007”, these statistics are frightening.  

Deaths by poison

January 3, 2011, Jerry Brown's first day of office, the people of California submitted more than 52,000 signatures to the "Brown Administration", opposing the use of methyl iodide in their state.” “U.S. EPA staff confirmed in August 2010 that they would re-open their national decision on methyl iodide for public comment.

“On December 1, 2010, in the 11th hour of the ‘Schwarzenegger Administration’, the California Department of Pesticide Regulation (DPR) approved the use of methyl iodide as a soil fumigant pesticide in agriculture. Yes, this was approved, despite scientist recommendations, and more than 53,000 comments from Californians sent directly to the Agency.”

Not all pesticide exposure ends in death, but certainly near death-- and horrific experiences from some chemicals, like Methyl iodide; a pesticide classified as highly toxic (see Material Safety Data Sheet link) The science is in and it is unequivocal. However, they still have not made this happen.” Please keep in mind, this pesticide is often used on strawberries and California strawberries are shipped nationwide; for this reason alone, you should always buy organic strawberries.

Many stories of direct exposure come from farm workers which, of course, can be passed off as a "work hazard"-- but, how about the woman who was exposed by just standing in her driveway as a crop duster flew overhead.  Within 72 hours all her vital organs were failing!  She survived to tell her story; will you?

My own experience with pesticide exposure occurred at age 10 while enjoying a Halloween school carnival. As I recall, I emerged from the fun house, wheezing, and within minutes I had passed out, only to awaken in the emergency room with a technician beating on my chest in an attempt to revive me. I was told it was an allergic reaction to “something”.  This attack was in late October, during active crop dusting applications over the cotton fields adjacent to my elementary school.  I spent the remainder of my years, while living in that area, on heavy medication for severe asthma attacks. After leaving the area, my condition returned to normal.
A 2001 University of North Carolina, at Chapel Hill study found, “living close to areas where agricultural pesticides are applied may boost the risk of fetal death due to birth defects.”

So what if you don’t live in an agricultural area?  Who cares, right?  After all, you wash your produce; isn’t that enough?  Well then, what about a nice fuzzy peach? Do you think any amount of washing will get pesticides off that skin? How about apples? Apples have their pesticides sealed in with a nice coat of wax! -- and grapes--they absorb most of their pesticides through the water! Oh, -- and let's not forget flowers; how many of us have gotten a bouquet and the first thing we do is stick our noses in and take a great big inhalation of…what?  
Now, have a look at the EPA (United States) standard for rating pesticides:  The United States Environmental Protection Agency uses four Toxicity Classes. Classes I to III are required to carry a Signal Word on the label. Pesticides are regulated by the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA).

Toxicity Class I

  • most toxic;
  • requires Signal Word: "Danger-Poison", with skull and crossbones symbol, possibly followed by:
  • "Fatal if swallowed", "Poisonous if inhaled", "Extremely hazardous by skin contact--rapidly absorbed through skin", or "Corrosive--causes eye damage and severe skin burns"
  • Class I materials are estimated to be fatal to an adult human at a dose of less than 5 grams (less than a teaspoon).

Toxicity Class II

  • moderately toxic
  • Signal Word: "Warning", possibly followed by:
  • "Harmful or fatal if swallowed", "Harmful or fatal if absorbed through the skin", "Harmful or fatal if inhaled", or "Causes skin and eye irritation"
  • Class II materials are estimated to be fatal to an adult human at a dose of 5 to 30 grams.

Toxicity Class III

  • slightly toxic
  • Signal Word: Caution, possibly followed by:
  • "Harmful if swallowed", "May be harmful if absorbed through the skin", "May be harmful if inhaled", or "May irritate eyes, nose, throat, and skin"
  • Class III materials are estimated to be fatal to an adult human at some dose in excess of 30 grams.

Toxicity Class IV

  • practically nontoxic
  • no Signal Word required since 2002

“Practically non-toxic”?!  Is that the best we get?!  Imagine this; you have a cancerous tumor and you go through surgery to have it removed. Later, in the Recovery Room, the surgeon informs you they had to fit as many patients as they could possibly fit in to operate on this day.  As a result, your surgery was a "little rushed", but.... they got practically all the cancer removed and maybe it won’t grow back!  In this same vein, we, the consumers, are offered “practically non-toxic” products, using the excuse that these pesticides are necessary in order to get more produce out of a crop. This reasoning is ludicrous and antiquated; you/we, deserve better!

I have to be honest with you, even with my negative reaction to pesticides and my knowledge of organic agriculture; I haven’t always purchased organic products, excusing myself for of lack of time, money and the imagination to try new recipes using organic ingredients made available to me from our area.  However, after completing the research required writing this article, I can tell you that I will be more attentive to my purchases from here on in! 
Having read through pages and pages of toxicity reports from EPA approved chemicals; I must emphatically say that I am terrified in regards to the health of our people and our soil.  On February 26, 1937, Franklin D. Roosevelt said “the nation that destroys its soil; destroys itself”.  

Today we literally have the power to change things at our fingertips.  Write or call your state representatives and Commissioner of Agriculture. Let them know where you stand on this issue, and remind them, as you are their constituent, they work for you!  It is all very well and good to use science and innovation in the name of progress, but we also need to take from the past and give to the present and future, always keeping in mind that all farming was “organic” before industrial methods of growing were introduced just after WWII. 

It should also be feasible to have a round table discussion and an official department represented by all the leaders of agriculture; Organic, Sustainable, Conventional, Biodynamic, and any others that can develop best management practices for farming. This would ensure the health and safety of our food and other bodily products; really, it could very well be this easy people, we just need to speak up!
I urge you to sign up for newsletters at , the Organic Consumers Association , The Rodale Institute , as well as the Environmental Working Group  At the EWG website, you will find the “Dirty Dozen” list and please stick to this list as if your life depended on it; after all, it just might!!--

I also encourage you to read the book; “Fatal Harvest:  The Tragedy of Industrial Agriculture” by Andrew Kimbrell. 
Armed with information and greater numbers demanding what’s right, we can use our voices and our vote; we can make a difference!

So as you can see, Conventional agriculture put up against Organic agriculture is very Shakespearean in that it is painstakingly tragic, and hard to understand. Making a decision, in the end, becomes, at some point, like playing a game of Russian roulette (anyone remember the POW scene from “The Deer Hunter”?).  Do you spend the extra money and effort purchasing organic products? I mean--what if you are one of the lucky ones that are never affected by the adverse reactions related to pesticide exposure?  
Well, I know people who will research for hours on end, agonizing over which car to buy with just the right safety rating, whether it comes with airbags; the best tires; antilock brakes and state- of- the- art anti-theft systems!  A considerable amount of time as well as money is spent on this information, without knowing, or even bothering to inquire, if they will ever need these devices in the lifespan of this particular vehicle, while it is in their possession!  The same applies to health insurance and home/rental insurance.  All of this effort is exerted with the thought of bodily protection in mind; "you know…just in case". 
So, organics: to buy or not to buy; is it really a question?

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Our planet, our cities, ourselves

I am an eco-warrior extraordinaire!  No really, in fact, my whole family has it all together when it comes to saving our planet.  Our “best green rated”, one car for a family of five, comes fully equipped with all our credentials on the bumper.  Everybody around knows we belong to the ‘Organic-tree hugging-green-sierra-amnesty-wildlife-save the farmers federations.  We walk or bike to local events and our little garden is organically grown and rain barrel watered.  We dress to the nines, all from thrift stores, not adding to the overly consumptive supply and demand world of fashion. I personally find great pleasure in reducing-reusing and recycling and each time I take a load of plastics and such to the bin I smugly remind myself, as an eco-warrior, I am worthy of such a title for all that I do for our planet. You would think through saving the world we would be contributing to our community but in fact, we are not, we could do more…we could buy local!

We do get a great amount of satisfaction out of our conservation efforts, this contributes to feel good hormones spilling around in our systems, reducing stress and adding years to our lives.  We eat a mostly vegetarian diet supplemented with an occasional cage free-cruelty free protein and buying organic versions of all, as much as possible.  We buy all these products from one place so why would I even think of “buying local”.  The mere thought of running around from produce stand to u-pick farms, egg and dairy farms is exhausting and where would I even begin to find these farms.  Our supermarket has suitable provisions even if much of their produce has been carted across the nation, if not parts of the world. What reasons would ever be good enough for us exert ourselves further? 

Top reasons to “buy local”

  1. TASTE:  Who wants to eat what does not taste good?  I find when buying local produce I get a fresh product that is crisp and flavorful. In fact, if I don’t get around to using the product right away the shelf life is usually much longer than store bought and I have not had to consider the travel time, shipping and storage conditions of the product, because of this factor I can cut down on the frequency of visits to local farms.  Also many of these farms bring their product to our farmer’s markets so I can buy “direct” while getting to walk around in fresh air, with my own basket and introduced to many other local products I would not otherwise know existed.
  2. NUTRIENTS:  I am not a scientist but even I know the overall nutrient content is better in foods that have not been picked either too soon or sat for too long.  Looking for organic products is first on my list for higher quality produce and as Chris Bell of InterNatural Marketing, an organic produce marketing company with twenty-two years of experience, reminds me “small farms that grow with organic practices and have sales less than $5000.oo a year are able to use the word organic when marketing their product.”  Looking for an organic product produced locally ensures the quality of our food with the added bonus of freshness.
  3. KNOW YOUR FARMER:  The beauty of buying local is getting a chance to find out how our food is grown!  A trip with the kids to get produce now becomes an educational event without even trying.  Talking to our local farmers either at the farm or the farmer’s market gives us an idea of their growing practices.  We sample product and even pick our own so we really feel a part of the process. Many farms even have social events to attend with great food, music and drink.
  4. TAKING CARE OF THE LAND:  Farmers tend to be good stewards of the land, especially organic farmers.  We find out which of our local farms use sustainable and organic growing practices.  These farms tend to grow a variety of crops and grow seasonably. Eating seasonably is one way our family tries new foods and we eat more of what is meant to grow in our climate zone.
  5. LOWER COSTS/COMMUNITY DOLLARS:  Not having to calculate added shipping cost for our food to be carted across the nation, adds up!  At our farmer’s market we buy value added products that are locally grown, packaged and produced so our money goes to helping our community thrive.  Also our local farms supply our local restaurants and when we go out we make certain to patronize those restaurants that buy local foods.
  6. CARBON FOOTPRINT:  If food travels an average of 1500-2500 miles from farm to plate then buying local, even with its varied definition of mileage, certainly cuts our carbon footprint considerably. We make every attempt to buy as much as we can at our local farmers market and participate in farm box programs that deliver to designated areas where many others can also pick up their product.  In this way we share the mileage with the farm truck.    
  7. KEEPING UP WITH THE JONESES:   Yes, buying local even gives this old pastime an eco twist.  We jump at the chance to share information with our neighbors and friends about our latest finds at the farmers market or the newest restaurants that buy local produce.  Spreading the word helps the community thrive and encourages growth of local farms and markets.
Our family still makes every effort to save the planet and make the best decisions regarding our health but we have changed with the times. We learned to embrace the idea of buying local and put in at least the amount of effort we exerted on researching and buying from the best thrift stores, coffee shops, household and sporting goods; all the things we feel we need to live a comfortable life. 

It turned out getting started was easier than we thought with help from organizations like “Local Harvest” who make it easy to find local farms, farmers markets, CSA’s and the like just by entering our zip code.   “Sustainable Table” offers another online tool, where we learned what seasonable produce is grown in the US, in which month and state .

By buying local we now directly affect the health of our planet, our cities and ourselves and who couldn’t feel good about that!